Having a tooth extraction can be not only terrifying but remarkably inconvenient, too. Permanent teeth are meant to last for your lifetime, but there are several reasons why extractions become necessary.
request an appointmentReasons for extractions include:
- Damage from trauma or decay that is too bad to be repaired
- Crowding of teeth in the mouth, usually because the teeth are too big
- Removal of wisdom teeth
- Loosening due to periodontal (gum) disease
- Infection caused by bacteria entering the tooth pulp, which doesn’t respond to other therapies
- Risk of infection caused by a compromised immune system resulting from chronic health conditions or cancer treatments.
Occasionally, the last remaining baby teeth need to be extracted to make space for permanent teeth to erupt.
What Tooth Extraction Involves
A tooth extraction procedure is done by a dentist or oral surgeon, and it entails removal of a particular tooth from its jawbone socket. This usually requires anesthesia, and depending on the complexity of the extraction, your dentist will recommend either an oral sedation or the use of freezing to numb the surrounding area.
Prior to the tooth extraction procedure, your dentist will take x-rays of your mouth to obtain a clear picture of the tooth structure and where the problems are. Visible teeth are removed using a simple extraction process, while teeth that are broken, impacted, or lying below the surface of the gum are extracted surgically through an incision in the tissue. This often applies to molars and wisdom teeth, which the best dentist in Surrey is fully qualified to treat.
Care After a Tooth Extraction
While tooth extraction aftercare depends on the type and location of the tooth, patients usually heal within 7 to 10 days. You can minimize the discomfort by taking mild, over-the-counter painkillers, and holding an ice-pack against the area for 10 minutes at a time. Using ice for longer periods can cause tissue damage, so be careful not to overdo it.
First 6 Hours:
Speed up the tooth extraction healing time by leaving the gauze pad in place for 30 minutes after the extraction and prop your head up with pillows instead of lying flat. Also start taking medication as soon as possible after the surgery is finished.
First 24 Hours:
- Avoid rinsing, spitting or using a straw for 24 hours to keep the blood clot in place. Dislodging it can cause a dry socket, which is painful and delays healing.
- Refrain from smoking and eating hard or crunchy foods.
- Rest for 24 hours after the tooth extraction procedure, particularly if you had a sedation
After 24 Hours:
- Rinse your mouth with a solution made with half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water.
- Brush and floss as usual, but avoid the site of the extraction.
- Limit your physical activities for the next couple of days until the anesthetic has been eliminated from your system.
What Does a Tooth Extraction Cost?
The costs of tooth extractions vary widely, depending on which procedure is used for the extraction and whether the tooth is impacted. A simple extraction typically costs between $150 and $400 per tooth, and could be higher if the patient requires a sedation.
The tooth extraction cost of impacted teeth can run significantly higher, depending on whether or not infection is present, the number of x-rays required, stitches that may be needed and the type of anesthetic.
The only way to get a definite price for your tooth extraction requirements is to consult with the best dentist in Surrey and ask for a consultation and an official quotation.